Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smegma Alert: Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans of Murano & Girl Bar - West Hollywood

I am a lesbian who has been living in West Hollywood with my girlfriend for the past 9 years. We are both very friendly and nice and have made some great friends and contacts over the past decade.

We have always heard from other people and friends in the community about how mean and unethical both Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans were. But we never understood how infamous these 2 women were until we experienced them in person at their restaurant Murano.

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The place is empty and is on the verge of shutting down. We were a group of five pretty girls sitting at the bar. The place was literally empty, with probably only one table of 4. The owners Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans were very drunk and not making any sense when talking. Robin Gans was higher than a kite. We all wondered how she could be on so much drugs in her own restaurant? How will your customers respect you when you look and act like a junkie?

Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs were hitting on us seperately. They kept ordering us more martinis. Robin even tried to hit on my girlfriend, who was very uncomfortable with Robin's unacceptable behavior.

We ordered food. It sucked. And on top of that we found a little black hair in our pizza. Yuk! It was disgusting! When told about it, the owners first tried to deny it was a hair and then said: It happens. We will get you another one. At this point, we were all so shocked and didn't want to order anything to eat anymore. Plus, we felt like they were trying to get us drunk so they could probably sleep with us, as both owners are famous for reckless dating with multiple partners.

At the end of our night and after we left this creepy place, we understood why everyone in this community hates and disrespect Sandy Sachs and Robins Gans. They are unprofessional, unethical cokeheads. No wonder their restaurant is empty and on the verge of shutting down.

There are so many great successful lesbians in our community. Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans are such a bad reputation for West Hollywood and the Lesbian Community. They are fat old dykes who act like junkies and think that everyone is going to end up in bed with them. I would just tell them: West Hollywood does not need scumbags. So please do us a favor and pack and leave.

Smegma Alert: Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans of Murano & Girl Bar
MURANO Restorant Restaurant 9010 Melrose, West Hollywood CA


Weho'd said...

Oh please. This is exactly the sort of WeHo Lesbian back biting bitchery that polarizes our community. Don't like Sandy & Robin? Fine, whatever - personally I give them both a lot of credit for being visible and creating a community - I mean, Hello? Dinah Shore, heard of it? But instead of creating a blog to whine and perpetuate negative images of LA Lesbians, how about high-lighting the positive? We have enough Debbie Downers already.

Anonymous said...

Can not be more correct, recently at jeff sanker white party 2010 sandra sachs was DRUNKEN cociane mess. She was stumbling around with a phone camera STALKING britney spears and her body guards. Falling ALL Over the place and laughing as if nothing was wrong!
Lesbians like that our community DOES not need.
In addition to that she lost murano, has multiple lawsuits from ex business partners, BOTH sachs and gans have pending legal and law problems in Seatle, Chicago, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Palm Springs
and city of Los Angeles. I think the community has spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

As they say: There is no smoke without fire.
Both Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans have burned their bridges with a lot of people. No wonder they have such a terrible reputation and no one likes them!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't doubt all the bad publicity around both Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs.
I have never heard anything positive about them. They seem to have attracted lots of ennemies.
They also have major drug and alcohol problems.
It is also know that Robin Gans is very unethical as a psychologist and is about to have her license revoked.
Both women seem like bad news!
Thank God people are starting to speak up!

Ross said...

Both Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans are the kind of people one has to stay away from. They are very dishonest, mean as well as unfriendly. And of course they consume lots of alcohol and drugs. With such an attitude and a bad reputation they can only attract ennemies!

Ross said...

Both Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans are the kind of people one has to stay away from. They are very dishonest, mean as well as unfriendly. And of course they consume lots of alcohol and drugs. With such an attitude and a bad reputation they can only attract ennemies!

Julie said...

I can only agree with the above comments.
You only get what you give!

Anonymous said...

the gay community has enough negative publicity as it is. Why pick on these two only? Whatever happened to unity in our community? We separate/divide and nothing gets accomplished! Most lesbians, famous or not that I've encountered, have drinking and or drug problems. So those of you in glass houses grow up and get over it. You probably are jealous that they are successful business women. Let it be. If they are so bad, they will do themselves in!

Anonymous said...

I actually feel sorry for them! The only friends they have are very superficial, and use them for status quo. No one is safe from their mean and childish back stabbing, which is a lame attempt to make themselves look better as they knock down everyone else! Money doesn't buy class, that's for sure. And how sad that thier latest GF's are just using them up! come on ladies, you can do better than that. Their employees at girlbar look miserable almost all of the time, such a lovely place to visit, indeed. We wish them no harm, but could they possibly take a little responsibility for their vulgar behavior in public?? What a lovely couple of poster kids for AA and NA. Sad, at one time you ladies actually had some class and respect. Now I only pity you and your behavior. We aren't in high school anymore girls, are we????

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that BOTH woman have left West Hollywood the same way they came BIG DISGRACES. Just letting the community KNOW, that their drama continues. Saks was caught RIPPING off a charity. The BOUNCED several checks for a fund raiser and blamed Gans.
In addition, Saks has TURNED states eveidence and RATING people out. It was only a matter of time before they both got what was coming to them.

Anonymous said...

Few if any of you have a clue as to how truly coniving and evil these two women are. Money doesn't buy class. Designer clothes, new cars, lunches & dinners where they are sure to be seen amongst the in crowd, tho I'd doubt they'd draw a second glance for anything other than innappropriate behavior! Demeaning her staff in front of everyone, humiliating her entourage of brown nosing gay boys who trip over themselves trying to vie for her attention. Quite an embarrassing scenario to watch, and I surely pity her puppets in her remaining businesses (if any?) Who cares, My people were thoroughly disgusted by the behaviour of these supposedly astute business women! They got too greedy, screwed over numerous employees and contractors and businesses. Unless you were a grovelling kiss ass, they would dismiss you from their royal presence! What a load of crap! Horrible backstabbers & with friends like that who needs enemies? Good bye, please go and stay away from California. We have plenty of pollution without yours!

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like pretty much all has been said by the above comments. How sad is all I can say. They could have done so much GOOD for the lesbian community. Instead they have left a bad memory of their "legacy." I hope no young women look up to them, as that would truly be tragic. Why couldn't you have set a good example instead of setting us gay women back 30 years? Not all gay women are drunks, druggies, and sleezy sluts! Shame on you two!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they sure had me fooled! After reading all of these posts, I confirmed almost all of the information written---and it was TRUE! I will never again support any event, club, Dinah Shore, etc., to help line their pockets with my hard earned money! I am embarassed for them. What really shocked me was what racists they are. As a proud black lesbian, I was shocked to hear stories of their escapades from a fellow sister who worked for them. Can't even repeat what was said without revealing her identity. I'm sorry but any of you attending their events are keeping these bitches in business- STOP! I am still shocked by all of this, and truly disappointed. :(

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the above comments. Sachs and Gans are really bad people.
I was with my girlfriend over 5 years ago at girlbar when Robin Gans hit on my girlfriend and offered to see her as a psychologist. My girlfriend said it was the worst experience she has ever had in therapy and that Robin Gans was the worst therapist and the most unethical one! She kept hitting on my girlfriend while in therapy. Her experience was horrible and far from being therapeutic!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe someone posted a comment about Dr. Robin Gans! I went to her several years ago and I had a very odd experience. She made me feel very uncomfortable while in therapy. She definetly was seducing me and hitting on me. Of course I stopped seeing her. I can't believe another woman had a similar experince! It says a lot about Dr. Gans... SI honestly don't think she should be a psychologist...

Anonymous said...

Robin Gans tried to get me to become her patient once while I was drinking at her bar, girlbar. Sachs her girlfriend kept staring angrily at me from a distance. She looked so jealous and furious. It was so creepy! Thank God I never went to see Gans as a therapist. Can you imagine a psychologist recruiting patients at her bar? It says a lot.....

Anonymous said...

Sandra Sachs and Robin Gans are truly bad people. I believe all the comments posted about them as I have personally dealt with them over the years. They have no ethics and are dishonest businesswomen. Backstabbing, lying and stealing are their attributes. Their businesses are shady and their world is filled with drugs and alcohol abuse!

Michelle said...

Drugs and alcohol have always been common at girlbar. I was at girlbar several times and I always saw Sandy and Robin drunk and high. Sandy would get drunk and aggressive and Robin would get high and would not make sense while talking. Robin Gans would go inside the manager's control room at girbar and snort a line of cocaine. Hello... everyone knows that. Ask her managers and security personnel. I bet they have a lot to say...

Anonymous said...

People have finally realized what a bunch of lying, cheating dishonest whores these two women (NOT ladies!) are. Hard to believe one could be a shrink, but of course it's the One who needs a shrink the most! Not to mention rehab. for BOTH! I didn't believe all that I was told, but my God, it was all true! I surely will not support their evil anymore! Bye Dinah, Bye Girlbar or whatever your name is this week. When your money is scarce, watch as your drooling groupies slowly fade away. Every wonder if you have any TRUE friends???? And at your ages one would think you would have grown up by now. I am horrified that people like you can be in any position representing lesbians in the gay community! What a horrid example of gay women. You aren't a success story, you are a very bad influence on young gay women. Do us all a favor and get HELP!

Anonymous said...

Would you women who have been treated so unethically by Robin Gans (Doc my ass!) please report her to the appropriate authorities! How would you like for your daughter to be exposed to that behavior while suppposedly receiving help??? Just google until you find the appropriate agency to report her to, otherwise you leave others to be cheated out of true psychological help! So very, very wrong! You are supposed to HELP people, not further damage them!

Anonymous said...

I understand that GirlBar is now at the Abbey on Wednesday Nights. This is Not good.Very sad.Even sadder still is the fact that Robin Gans is not alone when it comes to unethical therapy practices in our community.Sad to say but if you dont want your business known all over Weho and in the clubs' circles,dont go to therapy in the community. Poor ethics is common. as for Robin and Sandy's behavior? I guess they felt it was ok to take part in.They DO need rehab and help in other areas.

Anonymous said...

So I guess bridges were burned in Palm Springs for Dinah Shore! Rumor has it that they are not welcomed in Palm Springs! Gee, wonder why? So now Dinah Shore is going to be in Las Vegas? What a joke. Dinah Shore has zippo to do with Las Vegas. Perhaps this was the only unethical town left for them to have an event as they've screwed all the others! Good Luck, I'm sure you will really make a fortune. After all, prostitution is legal there right??? Total Losers! And what happened to Girlbar? GB2 or what? and at the Abbey? oh brother!

Anonymous said...

I worked for them both. Sure some of what you people have written is true. However, several people are obviously disgruntled and have a strong need for defamation which to me is unecessary! We are all human beings. As gay women I would like to think we haven't resorted to the same back stabbing competitiveness of straight women! Any lesbian bar/event you go to will be filled with alcoholics, druggies, etc., as will any straight event. IOW, it's a common thing! As far as bouncing checks and all that, sounds a little on the BS side to me. Let's put away the fangs girls! I only hope some day there can be unity in our community-we would have so much more power and a voice that would be heard.

Anonymous said...

Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans are indeed druggies and alcoholics. But come on this is no news! Everyone knows this in the gay community. If not everywhere else already!
Sandy Sachs is an angry Lesbian and a man hater!
As for Robin Gans, not only she is a very bad psychologist but also a very bad businesswoman!

Anonymous said...

I have worked with both of them. Although they don't really like men, they were cool with me. I guess it's because I was a nice guy who didn't hit on the girls coming to their now closed girbar. I don't know much about them. But yes they did drink a lot, especially Sandy.I saw her wasted a few times. And that was ugly! Robin did drugs at least twice in front of me and the other staff member.

Sheila said...

No wonder they are losing al their businesses....

Anonymous said...

Guess they can't have Dinah Shore in Palm Springs anymore. They're no longer welcome there. They keep making ennemies everywhere they go... Not surprising!

Anonymous said...

They are bad women who bring bad karma everywhere they go...

Anonymous said...

Check out the pics posted for Dinah Vegas weekend. Dr. Robin needs her roots done & shouldn't be photographed in a bikini top. She must think she's 30 years younger. Go to the gym! Pathetic. At least Sandy kept her body covered. Glad they left the REAL Dinah behind. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

so we are told Gans now works from home. Much easier for her to sleep with her patients

Anonymous said...

so we are told Gans now works from home. Much easier for her to sleep with her patients

SK said...

both Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans are dirty women. I have known both of them. They drink a lot and do drugs. They are in their late fifties and they act like street girls!

RealityCheck said...

We just read these comments, and have no idea who the people are who posted it. I have never met nor do I go to any clubs, as I am a Sobriety Counsel/Therapy and artist. I am unclear if one person wrote all the comments under different names. How is there proof of all these statements. If 30 different people say both women are drunk and using drugs publicly, is it rather ODD that not one professional in their 26 years of Girlbar, have not ONCE sponsored and worked to support them into a normal recovery program. Not one person....who is their friends, family, or partners with this couple never thought to HELP them if these alleged statements are fact? I find it odd, as well as slander does not make anything fact. I would like evidence, real evidence that a Lic Therapist is doing drugs in public. I find all of this hard to believe one word and it is most likely a a CYBERBULLYING SLANDER ATTACK. I also note if they were on drugs and burning many, dont you think others would have addressed it long ago? Sounds like alot of media slander and not all "bi or lesbian women" are on drugs or drunks and not all are "street trash, or man haters," and who ever is writing this needs some SERIOUS HELP as you are the one with problems.